
Your search for rc returned 3 results.

Helicopter Update

Given the propensity for even a sniff of wind here near the bay my outings have reduced. That said upcoming employment has spurred me on to try and master this thing before I head back to 'The Man'. I'll get the breakages count out the way first and its not too lengthy. I've taken to flying the thing without the canopy on as it seems to fly better without it, but ...

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Mayday Mayday

I remember my father saying that his medivac took some setting up and that it didn't like the wind.  Mindful of those wise words  I spent the first battery charge in the garage getting it all trimmed up. Lots of scooting around on the floor finally managing to get it to stop pulling left and almost hovering before the batteries gave up. Happy that the basics ...

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When I was a kid my dad was into radio-controlled stuff. At the weekend he would load up the Ford Corsair and we would head the few miles to a field next to the river where we would lug the plane and his specially constructed r/c toolbox that held all the various tools, transmitter, fuel, starter motor etc required to get the machine going. He started with a glider ...

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