When To Use Jira (A Practical Guide)

Posted on December 3, 2015

A product manager recently requested that we start using an electronic card wall because they couldn't find a card. The question certainly got me thinking. What happens to your team and delivery process when you use something like Jira, or Leankit or the like? Here is an attempt to answer. The answer I give is limited to my personal experience. Fifteen years working in software development creating applications for tasks such as medical and ...

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Posted on February 17, 2014

My days of unemployment haven't all been ones of lazing in the Melbourne summer sun, kayaking the bay and push biking to lunch, oh no. Yes there has been a fair serving of DIY projects around the house and of course toys to play with but I have on occasion been playing with a few courses on udemy.com. One of these was for web scraping, a scenario that I could have used a couple of time in previous employment for gathering data from competit...

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Posted on February 6, 2014

I've heard many good stories about REA and know that they have adapted their software development significantly over the past five or so years. Having come from a background of larger corporates and a small startup it will be most interesting to see how the team works and also to once again work with other testers. I'm looking forward to starting.

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User Stories Applied

Posted on January 6, 2014

I've only scanned a small amount of User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn but I like some bits of this book. You want to keep the user interface out of your stories for as long as possible Stories are about requirements, talk implementation later. Don't number story cards Hopefully that'll mean you won't use Jira The main purpose of the card is as a reminder to talk about the feature Its not to be a mini specification ...

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I Quit Yesterday

Posted on December 14, 2013

Its not the first time I've quit and it won't be the last. Its the very nature of working in the technology sphere that things change and people flow between jobs on a fairly regular basis, but this doesn't stop me wondering that usual post quit question... 'Have I done the right thing?' Looking at the cold heart of the matter the answer was definitely Yes. Over the past couple of days the reasoning has been backed up comments such as... ...

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Posted on November 28, 2013
developer: If we switch on logging then the application will crash.  


Posted on July 17, 2013

This is me. In a TV advert. Channel One and Ten. Nationally in Australia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqYc-UFeHUE

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