04 Bluey Pt4 – A Triumph!

Posted on April 11, 2024

Now gleaming and safely tucked away at Sports and Classic Cars it was time to start the really exciting bit namely reassembling all the nice clean, refurbished parts back to the body. I started by cleaning out the interior which was grubby with the remains of the bodywork preparation. Having got it clean I gave the underside of the roof several coats of Smoothrite and the floor and bulkheads several coats of black stone chip. I then glued ...

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03 Bluey Pt3 – Bluey at Worcester Sports & Classics

Posted on April 5, 2024

So by the summer of 1994 I'd got a complete rolling chassis, a bonnet ready for painting, loads of cardboard boxes full of labelled bits and a body tub that needed its roof and bulkhead welding. Wishing to remain on reasonably social terms with my neighbours I was reluctant to get the angle grinder out again to tackle the tub and so was a bit stuck with how to proceed. Sandy, my youngest son eventually came to (indirectly) to the rescue. He ...

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02 Bluey Pt2 – GT6 Revelation

Posted on April 2, 2024

So there I was, the proud owner of a tired , sad Triumph GT6. It had some MOT left but no tax so it would have been easy to put it on the road and use it for a bit. The temptation was quite strong but I resisted it. My plan was to rebuild the car and I was determined not to drive it again until this was complete, however long the rebuild might take. It was clear that welding was going to be a pretty major activity quite soon. What experience ...

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01 Bluey Pt1 – GT6 Acquisition

Posted on March 19, 2024


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00 Bluey – A Story of a Triumph GT6

Posted on March 19, 2024

In 1989 my father, then 43 years of age decided to take on a project. He was a man of many projects. When we moved into the family home in 1972 my mother purchased a shed for him because she knew he would require somewhere to spend time on his pursuits. These were the days when things were fixed, could be fixed and Dad could fix and make a lot of things. Over the years the projects came and went and each, I found out later, was done ...

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