
Your search for 02/2014 returned 3 results.

Helicopter Update

Given the propensity for even a sniff of wind here near the bay my outings have reduced. That said upcoming employment has spurred me on to try and master this thing before I head back to 'The Man'. I'll get the breakages count out the way first and its not too lengthy. I've taken to flying the thing without the canopy on as it seems to fly better without it, but ...

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My days of unemployment haven't all been ones of lazing in the Melbourne summer sun, kayaking the bay and push biking to lunch, oh no. Yes there has been a fair serving of DIY projects around the house and of course toys to play with but I have on occasion been playing with a few courses on One of these was for web scraping, a scenario that I could have ...

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I've heard many good stories about REA and know that they have adapted their software development significantly over the past five or so years. Having come from a background of larger corporates and a small startup it will be most interesting to see how the team works and also to once again work with other testers. I'm looking forward to starting.

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