
Your search for 15/01/2014 returned 2 results.

Moving House

The downgrade from fully detached to semi detached is underway. House 2.0 is now up and running. Larger front door, comfy bedding, new driveway and all fully secured to the side of the main house. I guess it might be my pommy-ness that makes our local ring-tailed possums such a joy to watch. Most Australians seem to see them as vermin but unlike the brush tailed, ...

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When I was a kid my dad was into radio-controlled stuff. At the weekend he would load up the Ford Corsair and we would head the few miles to a field next to the river where we would lug the plane and his specially constructed r/c toolbox that held all the various tools, transmitter, fuel, starter motor etc required to get the machine going. He started with a glider ...

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