Danger Of Assembly

Posted on February 14, 2013


So that title might be a little inaccurate. Assembly is a little in the future. Since my last report I’ve added a few items to the parts inventory from a little place in Mordialloc. The owner of this little grotto of chaos managed to find me a new headset, brake and gear cable and a very dust laden set of brand new chrome forks for only $20 a good replacement as mine are pretty shot with rust.

I’ve finally decided to wrap the frame and I’ve sourced a covering. I’m a bit worried about attempting to make the paper wrap around some of the more intricate crevices of the frame so hopefully the white undercoat will mask any areas I can’t get to, only time will tell.

The choice of covering? A government paper called ‘Consumption and Production of Petroleum from the Australian Mainland 1968-1990’. Its rather usefully only printed on one side. Test gluing showed problems with leaking of text from the opposite page plus it seemed rather apt. One things is for sure, actually wrapping this thing is going to take quite some time.