Project Not Fixed

Posted on December 2, 2012

Its been a few weeks but the intentions are still the same, build a semi-fixie. After some googling and measuring I’m rather pleased that the frame has a 126mm rear frame layout and squeezing in an eight speed mountain-bike cassette to a 44 tooth messenger style front chain-wheel looks a distinct possibility. With luck this should give some up-hill capability making it a little more usable for longer trips while reducing the amount of associated cablery and hence keeping the lines cleaner.

On the wheel front, deep v seem the fashion these days, with some skinny tyres, a set of bullhorns up front with the gear changer and rear brake. Talking brakes I’m hoping to weld a plate in behind the bottom bracket so I can mount one there keeping the line tidy and giving some extra interest.

Finish wise, I could go conservative with a silver and black combination with brown bar tape and seat.

I’d prep and paint this myself using a compressor and paint gun. I like the idea of doing it myself but the longevity of the finish especially around the wheels, brake and seat clamp worries me. Powder-coating would be more durable and probably (despite my best efforts) have a better finish.

Or I could go a little more distinctive with a newspaper wrap with brown bar tape and seat.

Newspaper wrap? Yes. I’ve seen this done before which is more than Google seems to have. Apparently a mixture of watered down wood-glue provides the initial adhesion while a top coat of clear varnish provides durability. I like the idea, its individual, cheap and interesting. Finding what publication to use will be interesting while the job itself I’m thinking would be tedious and time consuming.